2019 California Forest Pest Council Annual Meeting Presentations
Insect Committee Meeting
Which trees die during drought? The key role of insect host-tree selection – Adrian Das, US Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Sequoia and Kings Canyon Field Station
The role of carbon depletion in conifer physiological resistance to drought and pests – Jeffrey Lauder and Emily Moran, UC Merced– Jeffrey Lauder, University of California, Merced
Patterns of white satin moth-related aspen defoliation along Lake Tahoe’s eastern rim – Kellen Nelson and Sarah Bisbing, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Nevada-Reno
From bark beetles to defoliators in 2019: Never a dull moment in the Southern Sierras – Beverly Bulaon, US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Forest Health Protection, Sonora
Disease Committee Meeting
The status of whitebark and foxtail pine in the southern Sierra Nevada – Jonathan Nesmith, ecologist, Sierra Nevada Network National Park Service, Inventory and Monitoring Program, Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
Rare fungi of California – A new field guide – Else Vellinga, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology UC Berkeley
European mistletoe in Sonoma County, California, USA, 2019 – David Shaw, Forest Ecosystems & Society, Oregon State University
Pesticide Laws and Regulations
Update on pesticide laws and regulations – Lisa Blecker, Pesticide Safety Education Program, UC Statewide IPM Program, Davis
Poster Session
Thursday, November 14, 2019
2019 California Forest Health – The Year in Review
2019 Aerial detection survey California forest health update – Jeff Moore, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Forest Health Protection,
Invasive shot hole borers update – David Pegos, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento
Invasive shot hole borers update – Stacy Hishinuma, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Forest Health Protection
Goldspotted oak borer activity in Southern California – Kim Corella, CALFIRE
Sudden oak death/Phytophthora ramorum update – Chris Lee, CALFIRE,
Update on invasive plants in California – Jutta Burger, Science program director, California Invasive Plant Council
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Entomologist’s report – Kyle Beucke, State entomologist, Kyle.Beucke@cdfa.ca.gov
2019 California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Plant Disease Lab report – CDFA, Cheryl Blomquist & Suzanne Rooney-Latham
New and Noteworthy
The detection of low levels of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome in bats, in California – Bronwyn Hogan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Scott Osborn, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
Update on a new pest-disease complex causing wilt on valley oak in California – Akif Eskalen, UC Davis, Department of Plant Pathology
Tree Mortality and Wildfire Prevention – Research and Management Updates
Report from the Governor’s California forest initiatives, Newsom’s fuel reduction plan – Helge Eng, CALFIRE, Sacramento
The Tree Mortality Data Network Collaborative and current findings – Jodi Axelson, UC Cooperative Extension, Berkeley
Oak survival and regeneration: Preliminary results from the North Coast – Michael Jones, UC Cooperative Extension, Forestry Advisor, Mendocino, Lake and Sonoma Counties
Mapping invasive shot hole borer tree mortality in the Santa Monica Mountain – Rosi Dagit, Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains
Statewide, tree-scale mortality monitoring for improved forest management – Dave Marvin and Christopher Anderson, Salo Sciences, Inc., San Francisco
Development of Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery Tracker (eDaRT) in High Elevation White Pine Forests – Michele Slaton, Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Bishop
Differential response of a tree-killing bark beetle to forest structure and composition across a gradient of climatic water deficit: A study with small, unhumanned aerial systems – Andrew Latimer, Professor, Plant Sciences and Faculty Director, UC Davis Natural Reserve System, UC Davis
Disrupted Ecosystems
Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests – Malcolm North, Research Forest Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station and Affiliate Professor of Forest Ecology, UC Davis
Modeling historical range of variability and alternative management scenarios in the upper Yuba River watershed, Tahoe National Forest, California – Becky Estes, Central Sierra Province Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Placerville, California
Global pathways for forest pathogen entry into California: Phytophthora cinnamomi and the likely sources of wildland infestations in California and Mexico – Matteo Garbelotto, Director Forest Pathology and Mycology Lab, Extension Specialist, UC Berkeley
Management to Promote Forest Health on the North Coast
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) forest health projects on the North Coast: Sudden oak death prevention and density control – Christopher Heppe, Forester, Bureau of Land Management, Arcata, cheppe@blm.gov,
Evaluations of sanitation methods for heavy equipment in sudden oak death zones – Yana Valachovic and Brendan Twieg, UC Cooperative Extension, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
CFPC Business Meeting (open to all)- Bob Rynearson